Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I went to bed at 6 last night, so naturally my body woke me up 6 1/2 hours later. At 12:44 am.
I had a dream, and first I was sleeping over with my friend Chels, and then I woke up to go to the bathroom (in the dream) and there was a tanning bed in the bathroom, so I used it, and went back to bed. But when I woke up, (in the dream) I was with my ex-bff Emily (which made me miss her) and I went to go look in the mirror and I was SO TAN. And SO PRETTY. Like, I loved myself in my dream. I'm not saying appearances are related to self-love, but in my dream I was just amazed. Weird right?
At any rate, I can't sleep now, so I've been studying/watching Tyra on youtube.
I had amazing plans to travel somewhere this fall, but because of my financial situation and lack of support, I won't be able to attend.
I just hope & pray that I get this job I applied for, since it would be my dream job, and then I can save up & earn my own money. Depend on myself. That's how it's going to have to be. For a really long time. Possibly forever. Sweet.

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