Friday, April 29, 2011

I fear my heart is freezing over..

I'm getting tired.
Really tired. Emotionally as well as physically.
I am sick of the same, insane, worthless actions.
Insanity: doing the same thing & expecting different results.
It's getting harder to stay optimistic.
"One person can only do so much".
If someone you've been placed with is someone you sincerely cannot be around, what would be the point of trying to find someone new to include in your life? If you can't love the person that God placed you with, how could you possibly love someone that you, yourself pick?

I'm losing it. And I'm starting to just go through the motions, rather than live.
(If there's a light at the end of the tunnel, is there a lighthouse at the end? Who controls it?
The only peaceful way to live is to die, 'cause who else will make it out alive? -Isaac Russell)

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