Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A BIG Something.

I'm doing a BIG something in my life.
It's something that (this is going to sound so familiar, like 3 posts down-familiar)
I've been wanting to do for a while. There was always some reason about why I couldn't do it,
whether it be school, or family, or waiting on someone/something (dumb).

But the timing is perfect. Literally, couldn't be more ideal, and I'm doing it.
I was going to do a different big thing, just as big, maybe bigger, but a lot risker, but I decided against it.
There's a certain type of girl that can do certain types of things. Some girls can live with males who aren't gay and not worry about the possibility of an awkward advance resulting in an instant shut down. I am not one of those girls.

But I'm realizing that "this life is all we have". I know how superbly retarded that sounds when said aloud, but it's so very true. This BIG thing has been in the depths of my mind for years now, but it started coming to light following a "The Buried Life" marathon.

Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking, "MTV!?" But those boys, despite how rambuncious and hormonal they may be, are living. We all watch, and "ooooh" and "ahhhh", but why are we sitting the a basement of a Saturday night watching other people be happy?


I decided we can. & I can. So I will.

I feel like nature agrees with me, the leaves are changing colors, likewise, it's high time I change environments.

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