Wednesday, January 18, 2012


If one more person gets engaged, so help me everything above this sky, I will... Youtube about it!
I am fairly certain a larger portion of the females in my graduating class are engaged.

There's 3, THREE, new ones on Facebook right now.

You know what? Maybe I should eliminate Facebook. Then at least my awareness will be confined to those few from high school I "run into" at the mall. That would be AWESOME. (SARCASM)

Friday, January 6, 2012


I can't do things other people my age get to do. 
I can't go to shows in downtown on Friday night.
I can't go on dates to the movies. 
I can't have fun with my friends and disappear for days.

I am constantly thinking of what I should be doing, could be diffusing, might be helping; at home.

It's so frustrating, I can't enjoy anything. 
I feel guilty if I go to school an hour early to study because maybe I could've used that hour to help with the cleaning, or pick the kids up from school, etc.

What if these feelings never go away? How am I supposed to live my life?